Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Was playing Amnesia: Justine...

I have tried to play Amnesia tonight!
THen, I went on Tumblr and found this!!!!
Except! I made it to my reactions

My reaction to hearing: "Is that you, my love? You came for me!"
 Then I saw the suitor... >.> WHY IS HE NAKED!!!!!!>>>>?????
 I ran into the closest cell and slammed the door... bad idea... Alois... ran after me and I was like:
Then I saw what Justine did to the suitors... Did they use to be good-looking?
I went teary eyed... and started feeling bad... Poor, poor, POOR men... Damn woman I'm playing as is a b*&^#!!!! But I'll cry anyways!!!
So, I did a very stupid thing... I ran at them...
 This is what Basile did to me... He was like: "Get off of me!!"
 Next thing I knew... I was:

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