Friday, June 29, 2012

Read carefully... AND WHAT DO YOU SEE?

WHoooo! Another poem!!!

"Connect the emotion to the heart" ~By BANEHiwatari

Embitterment yields to nobody,
Most of us don't understand that.
Others choose to bask in the attention,
To be recognized and wanted.
I couldn't be bothered by such a thing,
Other people choose to come to me on their own.

No need to make someone fake something that they don't feel.

I can manipulate them to feel something genuine,
Such a talent brought from writing.

There was only one person that I wanted to please,
He will never see me.
Either way I could not be bothered with such a trivial thing.

Here I sit writing,
Emotion pouring through the pen in my hand.
Absent is the embitterment that had settled in my heart,
Recognize the emotion in my words.
There is not a day where emotion is absent.
Because you,
Absolutely must,
Never forget.
Emotion is the heart.

Highly weird... >.>

Okay, guys and gals! This is a short post! i found this entry... somewhere... and thought it was pretty hilarious even though I'm designated as a 'prude'...

Hehehehe!!! It's funny no matter how you look at it!! ;)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Was playing Amnesia: Justine...

I have tried to play Amnesia tonight!
THen, I went on Tumblr and found this!!!!
Except! I made it to my reactions

My reaction to hearing: "Is that you, my love? You came for me!"
 Then I saw the suitor... >.> WHY IS HE NAKED!!!!!!>>>>?????
 I ran into the closest cell and slammed the door... bad idea... Alois... ran after me and I was like:
Then I saw what Justine did to the suitors... Did they use to be good-looking?
I went teary eyed... and started feeling bad... Poor, poor, POOR men... Damn woman I'm playing as is a b*&^#!!!! But I'll cry anyways!!!
So, I did a very stupid thing... I ran at them...
 This is what Basile did to me... He was like: "Get off of me!!"
 Next thing I knew... I was:

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Fooling around backstage!

We all had soo much fun preparing for the show!! We often became bored and this is what we ended up doing!!!
We did a sort of horror/comedy in first person point of view... the makeup is quite ghoulish!! The person with the camera and sword is me... and the person who is the dancing zombie... is my dear friend Devon!!